Scholarly Communication and Predatory Publishing in the Undergraduate Classroom
Morganti, Dianna
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When we discuss the topics of Scholarly Communication with undergraduates, we usually do so in the context of a “Research Experience” or openly publishing an honor’s thesis in the IR. Our undergraduate students are stumbling upon the issues of ScholComm before they ever meet with us, though. When Dianna had a chance to review the “works cited” for papers submitted before the students met with her for a Computer Science one-shot, 5 out of the 35 students had used questionable or known-predatory publications as references. She’ll share her strategies to incorporate ScholComm education in that Undergraduate Information Literacy one-shot and their outcomes, and she’ll open up to a discussion on scholarly communication in the undergraduate classroom.
scholarly communication, information literacy, STEM
Morganti, D. (2020). Scholarly communication and predatory publishing in the undergraduate classroom. Presented at the ACRL STS-IL Information Literacy Chat.