Outcomes of Supplemental Instruction for History 1310 and 1320 at Southwest Texas State University




Clark, Louise Ruppert

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This study sheds light on the effectiveness of SI in achieving student academic goals, enhancing student performance in difficult entry level college classes and impacting the success of students with varying abilities. This study corroborated previous research (Arendale & Martin, 1994; Dochen, Smith & Wayment, 1995; Dochen, Smith & Wilson, 1995; Martin & Arendale, 1996) concluding that SI is an effective academic assistance intervention. SI participants out-performed Non-SI participants on the three academic outcomes examined: final course grades, successful course completion and institutional persistence. SI was equally effective with general, non-traditional and part-time populations. This research also indicated minority students participated in SI at SWT in greater proportions than non-_minority students. A significant cross-over or repeat SI population was found. This research concluded that participation in SI results in higher final course grades and successful course completion; the resulting grade improvement is reflected in improved retention.



higher education, remedial teaching, academic achievement, educational evaluation, history education


Clark, L.R. (1998). Outcomes of supplemental instruction for History 1310 and 1320 at Southwest Texas State University (Unpublished thesis). Southwest Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas.


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