Weight Misperception at Texas State University




Lamb, Laurel Woodman

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While some individuals accurately assess their body weight, others may perceive that they are heavier or lighter than they really are. This phenomenon is known as “weight misperception” and may act as a barrier to health-related lifestyle changes that use weight as an indicator of potential health. To investigate the prevalence of this phenomenon at Texas State University, including what portions of the university population are most affected, a survey was sent out via the Honors College asking for basic demographic information, as well as weight, height, and perception of weight status. The responses were analyzed; due to a lack of diversity in gender, race, and ethnicity in the sample, little insight was gained into weight misperception beyond the perspective of white, non-Hispanic, women, who comprised the majority of survey respondents and who largely perceived their weight accurately. Considering this, recommendations on how a more complete and more diverse picture of weight misperception at Texas State University can be gained, and how such data can be analyzed and addressed, are suggested.



weight, BMI, obesity, eating disorders, health


Lamb, L. W. (2018). Weight misperception at Texas State University (Unpublished thesis). Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas.


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