Barriers and Facilitators to Antidepressant Adherence in College Students




Gibeaut, Ethan

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Introduction: Medication adherence to antidepressants prescribed to treat depressive disorders can heavily influence the effectiveness of treatment. Past research has shown that adherence to antidepressants is subject to the influence of various underlying factors that serve as both barriers and facilitators to adherence. This study aimed to assess those underlying factors in how they relate to antidepressant adherence and depression. Method: Undergraduate students from Texas State University that had been prescribed antidepressants for a minimum of 2 months prior to the study were invited to participate in an online study via SONA systems. A total of 113 students participated in the current survey study, which consisted of six scales assessing adherence to antidepressants, barriers to adherence, facilitators to adherence, and severity of depression. Results: The hypotheses presented were partially supported. Adherence decreased as the presence of the barriers increased and increased as the presence of facilitators increased. Differences between groups categorized by severity of depression were found for three of six addressed barriers and for adherence. Differences between groups were not found for any of the addressed facilitators. Conclusion: Results from this study suggest the need for further research into the relationships between adherence and depression, as well as the various underlying factors that may influence them.



Depression, Antidepressant, Adherence, Medication


Gibeaut, E. (2020). Barriers and facilitators to antidepressant adherence in college students (Unpublished thesis). Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas.


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