Privacy in Licensed Texas Long-Term Care Facilities




Bennett, Jo-Allison

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The purpose of this research study was to discover how licensed Texas' long-term care facilities are currently addressing the issue of privacy. To achieve this objective, a survey was mailed to all of the 1,162 licensed Texas' LTC facilities (LTC facilities). The response rate was 37%. The profile which emerged from the data revealed that: (1) more responses came from "For Profit" LTC facilities than "Not for Profit" LTC facilities; (2) the mean number of residents per LTC facility is currently 106; (3) the majority of respondents considered privacy to be "very important" because residents have expressed a desire for privacy and respondents believe that privacy would improve residents' quality of life; (4) the mean percentage of residents, per LTC facility, who would/could use a private time room is currently 39.7%; (5) the majority of LTC facilities have provided staff with an inservice that addressed the issue of privacy within the past twelve months; (6) currently, the main obstacle to providing residents with opportunities for privacy is monetary in nature; and (7) currently, the two most common ways of offering residents privacy are "private rooms" and "outside sitting areas".



long term care facilities, right of Privacy, nursing home patients, long term care facilities, Texas


Institute for Quality Improvement in Long Term Health Care. (1999). Privacy in licensed Texas long-term care facilities. (IQILTHC Series Report 99-1).


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