An Investigation into Cause of Death and the Controversial Phenomenon of Pink Teeth
Hamilton, Michelle D.
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Project is dependent on cooperative work with the Travis County Medical Examiner's Office, and data has been slow to accumulate on that end. Project is still in data collection phase, and is anticipated to take another year for meaningful data to gather. In the meantime, the scanner purchased with the REP has been utilized by my graduate student in another project, assessing age variation in tooth dentine in Hispanic populations. Co-authored presentation of this project will be a paper submitted for presentation by Marrero I. and Hamilton M.D. at the 2010 American Academy of Forensic Sciences meeting.
Research Enhancement Program Final Report
pink teeth, Hispanic population, controversial phenomenon, death causes
Hamilton, M. D. (2008). An investigation into cause of death and the controversial phenomenon of pink teeth. Research Enhancement Program, Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas.