An Analysis of Texans' Behaviors and Attitudes Toward Laundry Practices and Water Use




Scott, Annalisa

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As humans have made technological advancements, our consumption of water has, in turn, increased. One of these technologies that makes our lives easier is the washing machine. Washing machines are important and common appliances in developed regions. In 2019, over 80% of Americans lived in homes with washing machines according to the United States Census Bureau (Rhodes & Gustafson, 2021). The level of water usage from washing machines is particularly worrisome in regions of the U.S. that often experience drought and water scarcity, such as portions of Texas. Further, Texas’ population is one of the fastest growing in the country; the Texas Water Development Board predicts the state population will increase from 29.5 million in 2020 to 51.48 million in 2070 (TWDB, 2021a), further intensifying Texas’ water challenges by creating a larger demand. Due to washing machines’ high municipal water use and commonness, water education surrounding washing machines is important. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to identify Texas consumer patterns, behaviors, and attitudes towards their laundry practices. To test the research questions and address the purpose of this study, adults living in Texas were survey. Analyses of variance were run with several variables. Based on the results of these ANOVA, it was determined that while most Texans can identify which type of washing machine uses more water, Environmental Consciousness was not an indicator of having correct product knowledge and accurate machine identification. Water education must be made a priority so individuals can make educated, informed decisions in their lives surrounding water consumption.



Water, Laundry, Sustainability, Water scarcity, Consumers, Attitudes, Behavior, Water literacy, ANOVA


Scott, A. A. (2022). An analysis of Texans' behaviors and attitudes toward laundry practices and water use (Unpublished thesis). Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas.


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