Beginning Teachers' Experiences During the Entry Year: A Phenomenological Study




Kubena, Donna

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The purpose of the study was to help beginning teachers transition to their new role as a teacher by identifying factors that had the greatest impact. Perceived obstacles as well as factors that helped the beginner teacher navigate through the entry year were explored. Factors that helped contribute to the beginner’s sense of belonging to the school community and their sense of self-efficacy also were examined. Ten beginner teachers from four rural districts in Texas participated in this qualitative, phenomenological study that centered around a reflective inquiry process and experiential learning, in order to understand the lived experiences of each participant. Data collection involved requesting artifacts and reflections in a pre-interview meeting, holding a semi-structured, open-ended initial interview and follow-up interview, and compiling field notes throughout the process. Findings revealed patterns within the participants’ lived experiences they perceived as obstacles, as well as factors participants perceived as helping them navigate through the entry year, belong to the campus community, and build their self-efficacy skills. This dissertation contributes to inform both practice in the K-12 public schools and in educator preparation programs.



beginning teachers, novice teachers, mentor programs, induction programs, phenomenology, school community, school climate


Kubena, D. (2023). Beginning teachers' experiences during the entry year: A phenomenological study (Unpublished dissertation). Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas.


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