A new theorem on exponential stability of periodic evolution families on Banach spaces




Buse, Constantin
Jitianu, Oprea

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Southwest Texas State University, Department of Mathematics


We consider a mild solution v<sub>f</sub> (·, 0) of a well-posed inhomogeneous Cauchy problem v̇(t) = A(t)v(t) + ƒ(t), v(0) = 0 on a complex Banach space X, where A(·) is a 1-periodic operator-valued function. We prove that if vƒ (·, 0) belongs to AP0 (ℝ₊, X) for each ƒ ∈ AP0(ℝ₊, X) then for each x ∈ X the solution of the well-posed Cauchy problem u̇(t) = A(t)v(t), u(0) = x is uniformly exponentially stable. The converse statement is also true. Details about the space AP0(ℝ₊, X) are given in the section 1, below. Our approach is based on the spectral theory of evolution semigroups.



Almost periodic functions, Exponential stability, Periodic evolution families of operators, Integral inequality, Differential inequality on Banach spaces


Buse, C., & Jitianu, O. (2003). A new theorem on exponential stability of periodic evolution families on Banach spaces. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2003(14), pp. 1-10.


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