Personal-Organizational Processes in Workplace Health Promotion: Understanding Wellness Program Participation in China




Zhu, Yaguang
Dailey, Stephanie

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University of Southern California, Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism


Around the world, there has been a noticeable increase in demand for workplace health promotion (WHP). Research has demonstrated the beneficial outcomes of WHP program participation, yet scholars lack an all-encompassing framework that captures why employees do or do not participate in these initiatives, especially in non-Western contexts. To show the role of two personal-organizational processes--perceived organizational support and organizational identification--in predicting WHP program participation, we collected survey data from 204 employees at a Chinese company with a wellness program. Results suggest that organizational identification mediates the relationship between perceived organizational support and employees' participation in WHP programs. Besides contributing to the WHP literature in non-Western countries, this study opens up new opportunities to explore the relationship between other personal-organizational processes and their relationship to WHP.



organizational identification, participation, workplace health promotion, non-western context


Zhu, Y., Dailey, S. L. (2019). Personal-organizational processes in workplace health promotion: Understanding wellness program participation in China. International Journal of Communication, 13, pp. 3589–3608.


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© 2019 (Yaguang Zhu and Stephanie L. Dailey).

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