The Influence of Collaboration on Students’ Learning Approaches in a Geography Task
Huh, Sojung
Lee, Jongwon
Jo, Injeong
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The Grosvenor Center for Geographic Education
Learning approaches are the ways students tackle and address the learning tasks, which are categorized by deep and surface components. The aim of this study is to illuminate the impact of collaboration on students’ learning approaches while executing a geographic task. Students’ learning approaches were compared between students working individually and those working in small groups via discourse analysis. The findings show that working in small groups is effective when utilizing the deep learning approach. Collaboration supports small groups becoming more active while executing tasks and selecting learning strategies and developing positive attitudes toward the task.
collaborative learning, learning approach, deep learning, surface learning
Huh, S., Lee, J., & Jo, I. (2021). The influence of collaboration on students’ learning approaches in a geography task. Research in Geographic Education, 23(1), pp. 32-51.