Faith, Rhetoric, and Dominion: How Shared Literacy Lures Latinos
Besa, Andrew
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This thesis is an examination of the rhetoric and valued literacy practices of Latino Pentecostals and Evangelicals. It then segues into a discussion of Latino Pentecostal history and faith practice (Evangelical) and how that literacy renders Latino Evangelicals susceptible to the appeals of a very conservative, religio-political movement called Dominionism. Because Latino believers share literacy with European-American Evangelicals, they may be unwittingly lured into dominionist organizations that do not necessarily have Latino interests at heart. This movement holds the establishment of a theocratic government as a vital necessity for the return of Christ. These Dominionists currently represent some very prominent European- American Evangelical and politicians and essentially, represent a threat to both Latino believers and our democracy.
Latino pentecostal, pentecostalism, evangelicalism, Dominionism: Latino faith, conservative Christianity, religion, politics
Besa, A. (2012). Faith, rhetoric, and dominion: How shared literacy lures Latinos (Unpublished thesis). Texas State University-San Marcos, San Marcos, Texas.