Nutrient Intake and Folic Acid Awareness among Hispanic Women: Implications for Preventing Neural Tube Defects




Garza, Mariana

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Acculturation is a term used to describe the exchange of cultures and subsequent changes that take place as a result of constant interaction. Using a bidimensional approach to acculturation and knowledge of diet, integrating dietary customs of the host society to that of the individual’s country of origin can facilitate an optimal diet by bartering between foods from the two cultures. By separating (retaining only the diet of their country of origin) and assimilating (adhering totally to the host country’s diet) individuals fail to see the benefit of either trying new foods, which can be healthier, or removing healthy foods from their country of origin in their diet. My overview examines the role of acculturation among Hispanic women and its relationship to NTDs. The specific research that I performed, however, addresses the knowledge Hispanic women have of NTDs and folic acid.



neural tube defects, folic acid, Hispanic women, acculturation, nutrition awareness


Garza, M. (2008). Nutrient intake and folic acid awareness among Hispanic women: implications for preventing neural tube defects (Unpublished thesis). Texas State University-San Marcos, San Marcos, Texas.


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