The Role of Cultural Dimensions in International Relations: Findings from Experiential Learning in South India




Ahrendt, Hylary Kirsten Adrianna

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Cultural dimensions are traits that can be used to characterize a culture for a better understanding of its worldview, the collective beliefs, attitudes, and values that influence a society’s preferences. Cultural dimensions are particularly relevant in the context of today’s interconnected world, where technological advances have connected influential societies like India and the United States. Drawing from the theory of experiential learning (Kolb, 1984) and Hofstede (2002) and Ziegahn’s (2001) cultural dimensions, this study will analyze the worldview of the South Indian culture based upon my experiences obtained during a three-month internship with a non-governmental organization in rural South India. By comparing and contrasting the South Indian and American societal worldviews on a basis of identified dimensions, my research will identify similarities and differences between the worldviews that might influence interactions between the societies. By applying cultural dimensions to the Indo-U.S. relationship, this thesis project will reveal the role of cultural dimensions in the broader spectrum of international relations.



Hofslede, worldview, experiential learning, intercultural communication, globalization, India U.S. relations, cultural dimensions


Ahrendt, H. K. A. (2012). The role of cultural dimensions in international relations: Findings from experiential learning in South India (Unpublished thesis). Texas State University-San Marcos, San Marcos, Texas.


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