Subsistence Strategies and Landscape Use in the Canyon Edge Zone: Eagle Nest Canyon, Langtry, Texas




Basham, G. Matt

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The remains of earth ovens are one of the most common types of archaeological features in the Lower Pecos Canyonlands of Southwest Texas. This study focuses on earth oven features, specifically the remains of individual earth ovens, in order to determine patterns of earth oven construction, use, and reuse over time. Seven earth oven features were excavated on the canyon edge of Eagle Nest Canyon, outside of Langtry, Texas. Results from these excavations indicate that a variety of wood charcoal was used in the features. In addition, all of the features excavated dated to the Late Prehistoric and Historic time periods. The location of the features, their components, and patterns of earth oven construction and use are discussed along with references to earth oven cooking in the greater Lower Pecos Region.



earth ovens, archaeology


Basham, G. M. (2015). Subsistence strategies and landscape use in the Canyon Edge Zone: Eagle Nest Canyon, Langtry, Texas (Unpublished thesis). Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas.


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