Human Wildlife Interactions in Exurban Backyards: A Short Film




Turner, Jonathan A.

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Urban sprawl and human development play large roles in the interactions humans have with wildlife species. As humans construct residential and commercial areas, wildlife species are either forced to live along humans or the opposite; move out and find elsewhere to make their habitat. In this short film, we evaluate these two possibilities and look for ways that humans can coexist with wildlife without an overarching fear of their safety. As a Biology major and someone who works at Seaworld San Antonio, this project shows my passions and hopes to create a mindset that humans and wildlife are equally allowed to inhabit any part of this planet rather than battling for space. Journalistic Interviews created a sense of reality that while everyone believes that wildlife species are distinctly different than humans, we both create a world for ourselves, yet the world we have are mutually the same. Coexistence through highway corridors and integrated cities, while introducing educational programs to grade age children could limit the amount of negative interactions humans have about wildlife and provide a way for both humans and wildlife to live in harmony. Although there will always be greed fueling human’s actions, I hope that this insight causes a change in the way people view the world, and ultimately show that we are meant to be together.


Youtube link to short film:


coexistence, human wildlife interactions


Turner, J. A. (2023). Human wildlife interactions in exurban backyards: A short film. Honors College, Texas State University.


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