A Comparison of the Use versus Non-Use of Competitive Marking and of formal versus Child-Centered Methods of Teaching in the Field of Public School Art: Conclusions Drawn from a Set of Experimental Units in Art Conducted in the Sixth and Seventh Grades of the Laboratory School of Southwest Texas States Teachers College, San Marcos, Texas

dc.contributor.authorWalker, Margaret Kyle McClung
dc.contributor.committeeMemberWiley, Edward Orlando
dc.contributor.committeeMemberTanner, Eugene O.
dc.contributor.committeeMemberTaylor, Sue
dc.description.abstractThe main purpose of this study is to draw some conclusions as to the effect of competitive marking on the results of art units taught in the sixth and seventh grade. A supplementary problem of the study is to compare the results of formal and child-centered methods of teaching art in the same grades.
dc.description.departmentCurriculum and Instruction
dc.format.extent153 pages
dc.format.medium1 file (.pdf)
dc.identifier.citationWalker, M. K. M. (1937). A comparison of the use versus non-use of competitive marking and of formal versus child-centered methods of teaching in the field of public school art: Conclusions drawn from a set of experimental units in art conducted in the sixth and seventh grades of the laboratory school of Southwest Texas States Teachers College, San Marcos, Texas (Unpublished thesis). Southwest Texas State Teachers College, San Marcos, Texas.
dc.subjectcurriculum and instruction
dc.subjecteducational assessment, evaluation, and research
dc.subjectteaching methods
dc.subjectpublic schools
dc.titleA Comparison of the Use versus Non-Use of Competitive Marking and of formal versus Child-Centered Methods of Teaching in the Field of Public School Art: Conclusions Drawn from a Set of Experimental Units in Art Conducted in the Sixth and Seventh Grades of the Laboratory School of Southwest Texas States Teachers College, San Marcos, Texas
thesis.degree.departmentCurriculum and Instruction
thesis.degree.disciplineCurriculum and Instruction
thesis.degree.grantorSouthwest Texas State Teachers College
thesis.degree.nameMaster of Arts


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