Riddle Me This: Gamifying Student Worker Training at an Academic Library




Ballengee, Megan

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Alkek Library at Texas State University has a strong foundation for providing excellent customer service to the campus community by ensuring the student workers in Research and Learning Services (RLS) are knowledgeable about library services, resources, spaces, and staff members. In the past year, RLS has transformed its lecture based training to create innovative, gamified training sessions for student workers in public service settings throughout the library. Based on the film "Batman Forever," students worked together to solve puzzles left by "The Riddler" in a 45-minute library scavenger hunt and a 45-minute escape room session. The learning outcomes of the training are: building confidence to continuously learn about the library, foster team building, and create an enjoyable gaming experience that is interactive and cooperative. Included will be tips for participants to create their own gamified training that can be used for employees, volunteers, and patrons.



student workers, library services, gaming, scavenger hunts, escape rooms


Ballengee, M. (2018). Riddle me this: Gamifying student worker training at an academic library. Poster presented at the Texas Library Association Annual Conference, Dallas, TX.


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