Ecological Economy: Integrating Beneficial Fungi to Our Production Systems




Manara, Stephanie Grace

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The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how much more could be gained per unit of economic and environmental output by utilizing the energy and resources provided by naturally occurring fungi, particularly mycorrhizal types. With the integration of mycological sciences and production technologies would come the opportunity to grow green energy and business, operating under the economic law of marginal growth, but without conflict of finite resources. A bio-restoration research experiment was done to illustrate this by introducing fungi compost to a plot of blue Hopi maize and comparing its yield characteristics to a plot without the additional fungi introduced. The agricultural applications reveal how food and fiber industries could receive comprehensive cost savings by utilizing free energy from fungi. Beyond the economic value of beneficial fungi, the ecological significance is illustrated; with ways dichotomous producers can benefit concurrently from complete mycological systems. The kingdom of Fungi is largely responsible for recycling all types of fabrication, and can be considered the new paradigm for progressive sustainability in business, when recognized for its energetic technology. Without responsible use of earth’s complex natural systems, life will likely become finite. The natural system emphasized in this essay is the subterranean network of life known as fungi.



mycology, permaculture, biosphere, micro, restoration, compost, fungi, closed system


Manara, S. G. (2014). Ecological economy: Integrating beneficial fungi to our production systems (Unpublished thesis). Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas.


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