Extending the Legacy of Morris Janowitz Pragmatism, International Relations and Peacekeeping [Presentation]




Shields, Patricia M.
Soeters, Joseph

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In the Professional Soldier, Morris Janowitz articulated a conception of international relations clearly grounded in the pragmatism of John Dewey. He developed his conception of pragmatism as a way to analyze officer behavior and the response of military institutions to the uncertainties of a nuclear age. He concluded by introducing the notion of a constabulary force, which was "grounded" in the "pragmatic doctrine." We hope to contribute to contemporary literature on pragmatism and the military studies by reviving and extending Janowitz's contribution. In addition, we extend Janowitz's early pragmatist thought to contemporary peace support operations by incorporating recent advances from pragmatists such as Jane Addams and David Brendel. Finally, the case of the peacekeeping mission in the Congo is used to illustrate how pragmatism provides a useful framework for analysis as well as a practical approach for improving peace support operations.



peacekeeping, international relations, pragmatism, military


Shields, P. M., & Soeters, J. (2013). Extending the Legacy of Morris Janowitz Pragmatism, International Relations and Peacekeeping. Presented at the European Research Group on Military and Society Biennial Conference, Madrid, Spain.


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