Crash Collision Analysis: Evaluation Road Safety in Austin, Texas 2014- 2016




Bergeron, Maggie

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The purpose of this study is to determine road safety in Austin, Texas using detailed crash data and spatial analysis to identify statistically significant areas with high rates of pedestrian or cyclist collisions. This research uses a mixed-methods approach and applies the Sustainability Safe Dutch framework to road safety in Austin, Texas from 2014 through 2016. First, the study looks at demographic and descriptive crash collision data. Second, this research performs a Space and Temporal Analysis of Crime (STAC) analysis on collisions in Austin to determine the areas with the densest clusters of pedestrian and cyclist collisions. Finally, a policy analysis is conducted looking at characteristics in the built environment that impact the likelihood of future pedestrian or cyclist collisions, ending with policy recommendations to improving active transportation infrastructure.



crash analysis, urban transportation, road safety


Bergeron, M. (2018). Crash collision analysis: Evaluation road safety in Austin, Texas 2014- 2016 (Unpublished thesis). Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas.


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