The Relativity of Deviance Definitions: A Study Utilizing the Symbolic Interaction Definition of Deviance




Glover, Carla J.

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This thesis research utilizes the symbolic interaction definition of deviance. Two communities’ definitions of deviant behaviors were requested and then a self-report study was completed to establish the amount of participation in those deviant behaviors. The findings include a wide variation in the amount of deviance associated with behaviors and differing amounts of participation reported for the behaviors defined as deviant. This study was also interested in the personal characteristics of the individuals who reported participation in deviant behaviors. This research shows that males are more deviant than females even though they participate in the same number of deviant behaviors. The research also shows the relationships of age, marital status, family income, birth order, and size of hometown to deviance.



deviant behavior, labeling theory, stigma, social psychology


Glover, C.J. (1993). The relativity of deviance definitions: A study utilizing the symbolic interaction definition of deviance (Unpublished thesis). Southwest Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas.


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