The Status of the Assistant Principal in Secondary Schools of South Central Texas




Bliss, Dwayne C.

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Statement of the Problem: The position of the assistant principal is one that has become prominent during the period of time since World War II. It is, to say the least, difficult to define the general role that is assumed by the assistant principal in the public schools. Corbally, Jensen, and Staub explain in their book, Educational Administration: The Secondary School: "In one school he [the assistant principal] is a positive integer in the administrative staff, with specific delegated authorities and responsibilities. In another school, he is just a leg boy for the principal." Purpose of the Study: The purpose of the study was to test the hypothesis that secondary schools of South Central Texas, with one thousand or more students, employ an assistant principal as part of the administrative staff. Further, it was the purpose to define the duties and responsibilities of the assistant principals in these schools. It was also the purpose to examine the literature and related studies concerning the assistant principalship and to make a comparison of policies pertaining to the assistant principalship of the schools of South Central Texas and other schools throughout the United States.



school principals, assistant principals, public schools


Bliss, D. C. (1965). The status of the assistant principal in secondary schools of South Central Texas (Unpublished thesis). Southwest Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas.


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