Determination of age and sex related demographic differences in proportions of white-winged doves available for harvest versus individuals harvested




Timmons, Jared B.

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I compared various methodologies for gathering demographic data for White-winged Doves (Zenaida asiatica) in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas. My study was conducted between 11 May and 13 September 2009. I used distance sampling to obtain weekly density estimates and estimate recruitment rates (indirectly) from births. I used trapping and banding to estimate sex and age ratios, weekly birth rates, and weekly hatching-year survivability. I estimated productivity and density from nest surveys. Also, age and sex ratios for harvested doves were determined. I concluded nest surveys are an unreliable and inefficient method for collecting demographic data, however, distance sampling, trapping and banding, and harvest data provided reliable and time efficient demographic parameter estimates for White-winged Dove populations.



Lower Rio Grande Valley, white-winged dove


Timmons, J. B. (2010). Determination of age and sex related demographic differences in proportions of white-winged doves available for harvest versus individuals harvested (Unpublished thesis). Texas State University-San Marcos, San Marcos, Texas.


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