Erlebnis- a Phenomenological Study of the Stream of Experience and Ideation of Three Adult Educators Living and Working in Turkey




Garcia, Naomi

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In our globalized world, educators work and live abroad. In this qualitative study, I examined the intercultural experiences of three adult educators living and working abroad. The study was conducted with the help of three United States citizens who taught English as a foreign language in Istanbul, Turkey. Using transformative learning theory as a starting point, and phenomenological research methods to gather, analyze, and synthesize the data, I found three composite themes: motivation to live and teach abroad; identity issues and transformation; and negotiating the intercultural experience. I applied Taylor’s (1994) learning model of becoming interculturally competent to help make sense of the learning processes of the intercultural experiences of the participants involved in this study.



Phenomenological research method, Transformative Learning Theory, Intercultural competence, Intercultural experiences, Living and teaching abroad


Garcia N. (2015). Erlebnis- a phenomenological study of the stream of experience and ideation of three adult educators living and working in Turkey (Unpublished dissertation). Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas.


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