Over Seas and Stones: Reflections on Cambodia




Starrak, Chad

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Over Seas and Stones: Reflections on Cambodia is a series of short stories written after spending two months of 2008 in Cambodia. Emulating the sort of story telling Chautauqua one would naturally encounter while traveling, this work passes through the reflections of a backpacker, gonzo journalist, social worker, and university student as they learn of Cambodia's history and present day culture. Cambodia is said to be a country rediscovering itself after the bleak Khmer Rouge era, but these travelers soon find out that parts of their own minds are waiting to be discovered as well. Over Seas and Stones captures the transformation that happens when we become conscious global citizens and calls for a renewed interest in the alchemy of social change.



Cambodia, Buddhism, Asian tourism, study abroad, McLuhan, Marshall, The Global Village, Indra's net


Starrak, C. (2008). Over seas and stones: Reflections on Cambodia (Unpublished thesis). Texas State University-San Marcos, San Marcos, Texas.


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