Trends and Transitions in Renaissance Medical-Technical Writing and Page Design: An Analysis of Timothy Bright's Sufficiencie of English Medicines (1580-1615)




Rauch, Susan G.

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My thesis is an analysis of transitions in Renaissance medical writing and printing that help identify the intended readership, genre, and purpose of Timothy Bright’s published medical treatise, The Sufficiencie of English Medicines (London, 1580; rev 1615). My methodological approach includes a structural, comparative analysis of page design elements, genre theory, discourse patterns and stylistic features, as well as a brief historiographical context of Bright’s connections to other English medical practitioners, philosophers, and writers who adapted new writing styles and printing techniques during the late English Renaissance. The treatise, disseminated in the late 16th and early 17th century as a persuasive and informative method of preventive health communication, represents trends in the writing and printing of medical how-to books that addressed public health concerns of the day.



Bright, Timothy, medical treatise, renaissance medical writing, renaissance writing, transitions in renaissance writings, trends in renaissance writing, early-modern medical writing, Ramism, page design, stylistics, thought-style, English vernacularization, 16th century preventive health, grounded theory, genre theory, genre dynamics, paracelsian


Rauch, S. G. (2012). Trends and transitions in renaissance medical-technical writing and page design: An analysis of Timothy Bright's Sufficiencie of English Medicines (1580-1615) (Unpublished thesis). Texas State University-San Marcos, San Marcos, Texas.


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