The Leader of the Volunteer Grays: The Life of William G. Cooke, 1808-1847
Adams, Allen F.
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This narrative purports to be a true chronicle of events that composed a life which left its print stamped indelibly upon the history of the State of Texas, the life of William Gordon Cooke, a citizen of the United States, a citizen of the Republic of Texas, and finally once more a citizen of the United States.
No single life is better illustrative of those enterprising nondescripts who walked boldly forward and took possession of a territory that was far more valuable than any of their fondest dreams. William G. Cooke was one of those people who, when conditions became a bit stuffy in the East, took the popular advice: "Go West, young man."
Col. Cooke's career was short as it was brilliant. Having died at the age of thirty-nine while engaged in the duties of Texas' highest military office, he rested in a lonely and forgotten grave near Seguin, Texas, until sought out and discovered by Mrs. Max Weinert of Seguin in the spring of 1936, when he was reinterred with military honors at Austin along with other Texas soldiers and statesmen.
history, soldiers, Cooke, William Gordon, military, Republic of Texas
Adams, A. F. (1940). The leader of the volunteer grays: The life of William G. Cooke, 1808-1847 (Unpublished thesis). Southwest Texas State Teachers College, San Marcos, Texas.