The Relationship between Psychological Disorders and Medication Adherence in College Students




Cobos, Briana

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Introduction: Medication adherence for a chronic health condition can determine the effectiveness of a treatment or medication regimen aimed at providing individuals with optimal health. Past research has shown that individuals who demonstrate symptoms of a mental health disorder, such as depression and/or anxiety, have lower adherence towards their treatment regimen. Therefore, this study aimed to assess how psychological disorders relate to medication adherence in college students with chronic conditions. Method: College students from Texas State University were invited to participate in an online study via advertisements across campus. One hundred and seventy-one students taking medication for a chronic health condition were included in the current study. Medication adherence was assessed using the Morisky 8-item Medication Adherence Questionnaire to identify significant relationships with demographic variables, psychological disorders, health related quality of life, and medication barriers. Results: Contrary to our hypothesis, the presence of a psychological disorder was not significantly associated with medication adherence. However, the presence of a psychological disorder was significantly related to known medication barriers towards adherence and mental and physical domains of health-related quality of life. Conclusion: Results from this study suggest the need for further research examining the relationship between psychological disorders and medication adherence, as well as known medication-taking barriers and quality of life in young adults.



Psychological disorders, Medication adherence, College students


Cobos, B. (2015). The relationship between psychological disorders and medication adherence in college students (Unpublished thesis). Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas.


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