Investigating the Pyro-Optic Properties of Antimony Sulfo-Iodide (SbSI)
Osei-Yiadom, Eric
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In this study, we investigated the pyro-optic properties of Antimony Sulfo-Iodide (SbSI) film. Using the Nicolet 6700 FT-IR Spectrometer, absorbance spectra were obtained for the SbSI film. Repeated spectra were obtained over time as the SbSI film was subjected to temperature ranging of 9°C - 24°C at 1°C increment. From these absorbance spectra, transmittance spectra were then obtained. The transmittance is determined to be dependent on temperature which predicts that SbSI films can be used as an infrared detector. The pyro-optic coefficient is estimated to be around 7.08 x 10-4 °C-1 below the Curie temperature and 0.12°C-1 above the Curie temperature. The ferroelectric property of a crystallographic phase change is also observed, as SbSI is a ferroelectric material.
ferroelectric thin films, infrared detectors
Osei-Yiadom, E. (2006). Investigating the pyro-optic properties of antimony sulfo-iodide (SbSI) (Unpublished thesis). Texas State University-San Marcos, San Marcos, Texas.