Global Narratives on Education and Sustainability




Zadrozny, Aaron
Zadrozny, Joann

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The Grosvenor Center for Geographic Education


Education for Sustainable Development has increasingly taken on importance around the world. The Earthducation project has been examining intersections between education and sustainability in climate hotspots worldwide, with six field expeditions completed to six different continents to date. While in the field, the team is documenting culture, environmental issues, and educational practices, and collecting video narratives from individuals discussing the role of, and intersections between, education and sustainability. In addition, the general public has been contributing perspectives on these issues via self-posted videos within an online EnviroNetwork. The data gathered to date illustrate both how education can influence sustainability in different regions of the world, and the complexities that geographic location and culture bring to this topic.



geography, education for sustainable development, adventure learning, sustainability, environmental education, technology-enhanced learning


Zadrozny, A., & Zadrozny, J. (2020). Global narratives on education and sustainability. Research in Geographical Education, 22(1), pp. 63-95.


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