Evolution of fluid-fluid interface in porous media as the model of gas-oil fields




Calugaru, Cerasela-Iliana
Calugaru, Dan-Gabriel
Crolet, Jean-Marie
Panfilov, Michel

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Southwest Texas State University, Department of Mathematics


This article proposes a generalized model for describing deformations of the mobile interface separating two immiscible weakly compressible fluids in a weakly deformable porous medium. It describes a gravity non-equilibrium processes, including evolution of the gravitational instability and can be reduced in two cases. This paper deals with the first case in which elastic perturbations are propagating much slower than gravity perturbations. The obtained model has analytical solutions and is applied to simulate the behavior of oil-gas or water-oil interface in oil-gas reservoirs.



Porous media, Two-phase flow, Interface, Oil reservoirs


Calugaru, C. I., Calugaru, D. G., Crolet, J. M., & Panfilov, M. (2003). Evolution of fluid-fluid interface in porous media as the model of gas-oil fields. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2003(73), pp. 1-13.


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