Preliminary Texas Evaporation Trends Report
Dixon, Richard W.
Bray, Stacy
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The purpose of this preliminary report is to examine evaporation data from the Texas Water Development Board using the 1 degree quadrangle in Texas. Quadrangles are the smallest area for evaporation data calculated in 1 degree latitude and 1 degree longitude (Texas Water Development Board n.d.). The data for the quadrangle in Texas was collected by the Texas Water Development Board from the National Weather Service (NWS) and National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) (Texas Water Development Board n.d.). The quadrangle data is comprised of monthly and annual gross evaporation data from 1954 to 2007 (Texas Water Development Board n.d.). The data collected is an evaporation rate in the form of a ratio by which the change occurs from liquid to vapor (Purdue 2010).
water quality, evaporation, water cycles
Dixon, R. (2010). Preliminary Texas evaporation trends report (Report No. 2010-11). Texas State University-San Marcos, San Marcos, Texas.