Sex Ed Made Easy: The Creation of and Justification for a Web Series that Provides a Solution to the Current State of Sexual Education in the United States of America




Carpenter, Amanda Blake

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Many adolescents leave our education system with little to no helpful information related to sexual education (Hall, 2019). Some people learn just about the reproductive system, others are warned against pregnancy and STIs, and many are taught nothing. Research shows that teenagers are turning to the internet to find the answers to their questions and finding information that is either not intended as sex education or are lacking (Rideout, 2009). I have researched many of these online sources and categorized them into different categories and noted what was covered, what they are missing, and how each could be improved. These categories included: resources for parents and educators, websites for older adolescents, websites for adults, and pornography. Based on these findings, I have created a sexual education web series called Sex Ed Made Easy to provide adolescents access to the sexual education they are seeking. Sex Ed Made Easy's mission statement clearly states our goals and values: We provide comprehensive, accessible, engaging, and medically accurate sex education to everyone from curious teens to sheltered adults. We also strive to be inclusive and provide education to those outside of the gender, sex, and sexuality “norms.” In the final portion of this thesis, I describe previously filmed episode topics with justifications, provide a production timeline, explain the production logistics, list future episodes, and include a business plan for the web series.



sexual health, health, sex education, adolescent, high school, web series, YouTube


Carpenter, A. B. (2020). Sex ed made easy: The creation of and justification for a web series that provides a solution to the current state of sexual education in the United States of America (Unpublished thesis). Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas.


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