The "Evolution" of the Role of the Woman from La Perfecta Casada to Desengaños Amorosos




Radpay, Daniela

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The role of women was very closely addressed during the Golden Age of Spain. When examining the role that women should and did play during that period, one finds many similarities as well as discrepancies from the start of the period to its end. It is important to note that the role of women is strongly defined by the literature of this period. Special attention is paid to two authors in particular and their defining works: Fray Luis de León with La Perfect Casada and Maria de Zayas with Desengaños Amorosos. Male and female authors are not commonly contrasted when referencing literature of the Golden Age, but both perspectives have valuable insights into the mindset of the time. "The 'Evolution' of the Role of the Woman from La Perfecta Casada to Desengaños Amorosos" will look at how some aspects of the woman's role evolved, while other aspects remained completely stagnant.



Zayas, María de, Fray Luis de León, Golden age of Spain, role of women, female roles, evolution of roles


Radpay, C. (2006). The "evolution" of the role of the woman from La Perfecta Casada to Desengaños Amorosos (Unpublished thesis). Texas State University-San Marcos, San Marcos, Texas.


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