The Effectiveness of Skin Cancer Visuals Targeting Minority Populations: Educating Hispanic and African American Participants about Acral Lentiginous Melanoma




Pokharel, Manusheela
John, Kevin K.
Liao, Yi
Wu, Yelena
Jensen, Jakob D.

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Acral lentiginous melanoma is an aggressive type of melanoma that occurs equally among people of all skin types (i.e., race/ethnicity). The incidence of ALM is rising among Hispanic/Latino patients and the mortality rate for ethnic patients is more than double when compared to Caucasian patients. The current study engages on this issue by investigating whether ALM patient education materials (PEM) featuring models with one of the three skin types yield better results on knowledge, risk perception, and message perception among Hispanic and African American participants.



skin cancer, minority populations, acral lentiginous melanoma


Pokharel, M., John, K. K., Liao, Y., Wu, Y., Jensen, J. D. (2024). The effectiveness of skin cancer visuals targeting minority populations: Educating Hispanic and African American participants about acral lentiginous melanoma. Poster presented at the Health Scholar Showcase, Translational Health Research Center, San Marcos, Texas.


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