Goodbye Don't Ask Don't Tell - Hello Women in Combat: The Obama Legacy




Shields, Patricia M.

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This presentation looks at Don't Ask, Don't Tell and Women in Combat from the perspective of the Obama Legacy. It concludes that the rescinding of the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy has been a success and is a lasting legacy of the Obama Presidency. The relaxing of women in combat restrictions combined with an institution wide effort to determine gender neutral standard for military occupations has resulted in a better way to match abilities to the job. One would not expect to have large numbers of women in combat because they are be less likely to self select in and more will not qualify for some jobs based on gender neutral occupational standards.



military, policies, don't ask, don't tell


Shields, P. M. (2017).Goodbye don't ask don't tell - Hello women in combat: The Obama legacy. Presented at the Obama Legacy: Preliminary Perspectives Conference, San Marcos, Texas.


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