An Ecological Case Against Development: Remote Sensing Analysis of Ecology and Vegetation Around Spring Lake, Texas, USA




Shannon, William Lowell

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Anthropogenic development is negatively affecting global ecosystems by removing habitat, toxifying the earth, and reducing biodiversity. Humans are dependent on healthy ecosystems. Thus, our own activity threatens our survival as we continue to test the limits of the living earth system. Ecosystems are complex, nested systems, which means the local affects the global and vice versa. This study looks at the ecological health of the terrestrial ecosystem around Spring Lake, San Marcos, Texas via remote sensing of vegetation and offers a comparative analysis of outcomes for land management practices based on the conclusions of those analyses. The land management practices being compared are: wildland vs. recreation field (golf, baseball, etc.).



GIS, ecology, environment, development, Ripurian, Spring Lake, biodiversity


Shannon, W. L. (2017). An ecological case against development: Remote sensing analysis of ecology and vegetation around Spring Lake, Texas, USA (Unpublished thesis). Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas.


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