Historic Resources Survey of Johnson City, Texas




Brandimarte, Cynthia
Bowen, Amy
Parsonage, Carol
Kochan, Mary
Head, Gabriel
Walker, Jason
Davidson, Sandra Smith
Summers, Meredith

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Graduate students in the Public History Program of the History Department at Southwest Texas State University completed this survey of Johnson City's historic buildings as part of the requirements for a course titled "The Practice of Historic Preservation" (HIST 5345H). Dr. Cynthia Brandimarte offered the class during the Spring semester of 1999 and incorporated fieldwork techniques and research methods into the course instruction. The goal of this survey was twofold: to conduct a comprehensive survey of the historic resources of Johnson City and to serve as part of a graduate level course in historic preservation as part of the newly established Public History Program. Dr. Brandimarte served as project director.


Prepared for the City of Johnson City with assistance from the National Park Service and the Public History Program/History Department Southwest Texas State University.


historic resources, architecture, landmarks, government programs, Johnson City


Brandimarte, C., Bowen, A., Parsonage, C., Kochan, M., Head, G., Walker, J., Davidson, S. S., & Summers, M. (1999). Historic resources survey of Johnson City, Texas. Southwest Texas State University.


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