Teacher and Parent Beliefs and Expectations of Parental Involvement and How it Relates to Student Academic Achievement




Garcia, Jennifer Nichole

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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the association between teachers’ and parents’ beliefs and expectations of parental involvement and the achievement of students in three title I elementary schools. Methods: Using the School and Family Partnership Surveys of Teachers and Parents in the Elementary and Middle Grades (Epstein & Salinas, 1993), teachers and parents at each of the three elementary schools completed survey questions to attain their beliefs and expectations of parental involvement based on Epstein’s framework of Six Types of Involvement for a School, Family and Community Partnership. Results: Results: A total of 1, 205 consented student (n=579), parents (n=579), and teachers (n=48) participated in this study. For each sample type (i.e. student, parent, teacher), N= 579 students and parents and N=48 teachers provided consent to participate in the study. The correlational analysis revealed that although there were no significant relationships between parents’ and teachers’ beliefs and expectations of parental involvement and student achievement, a parent’s level of education was related to their expectations of parental involvement and their child’s achievement. The qualitative findings of this study indicate that parents and teachers find that the most important form of parental involvement is communication and after school trainings for parents. These findings could help inform parental involvement efforts targeting Title I elementary schools.



elementary education, parent involvement, academic achievement


Garcia, J. N. (2014). Teacher and parent beliefs and expectations of parental involvement and how it relates to student academic achievement (Unpublished dissertation). Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas.


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