Exploring Issues of Validity in a Study of Geography Teachers’ Subject Knowledge
Brooks, Clare
Hopwood, Nick
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The Grosvenor Center for Geographic Education
This paper explores aspects of validity in qualitative research relating to a study of geography teachers’ subject knowledge and how this relates to their practice. Participating teachers and an external researcher scrutinized raw data and commented on preliminary analyses. The outcomes of these processes are evaluated first with specific reference to understanding the case teachers’ subject knowledge and then in a broader discussion relating to engaging participants and other researchers in similar exercises. It is argued that even where discrepancies and conflicts between different interpretations of data emerge, such tensions may be explored as helpful rather than perceived as threats.
geography, analysis, interpretation, representation, case teachers
Brooks, C. & Hopwood, N. (2006). Exploring issues of validity in a study of geography teachers’ subject knowledge. Research in Geographic Education, 8, pp. 59-72.