The Road to City Manager: A Balancing Act for Women near the Top




Wayman, Ashley
Shields, Patricia M.

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Initiative for Gender Equity in the Public Sector


This Blog entry about women in city government was written by Ashley Wayman, a graduate of the Texas State MPA Program and Patricia Shields, her professor. The Blog discusses Ashley’s research at Texas State into reasons there are so few women city managers. It spotlights Ashley’s experience. She surveyed women assistant city managers and department directors in Texas to learn their experiences. Ashley did this in part because she aspired to be a city manager herself. She has subsequently taken on the position of City Administrator for the City of Rollingwood and is planning her wedding. This blog also examined how her research has influenced how she approaches her job as city administrator and the challenges she sees as her personal life changes. The blog is part of a large blog series by the Initiative for Gender Equity in the Public Sector that highlights authors who contributed to The Handbook on Gender and Public Administration, edited by Patricia Shields and Nicole Elias.



gender, local government, public service, city managers


Wayman, A., & Shields, P. (2022). The road to city manager: A balancing act for women near the top. IGEPS: Emerging Gender Topics in Public Administration [Blog].


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