Assessing the Texas Data Repository: Determining What to Measure and How
Chan-Park, Christina
Lindsey, Nerissa
Waugh, Laura
McElfresh, Laura Kane
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The Texas Data Repository (TDR) is guided by a Steering committee of liaisons from 11 universities in Texas. From 2017 – 2019, The TDR Assessment Working Group (AWG) evaluated reporting metrics including a survey of TDR Steering Committee Members, comparison with an institutional repository reporting metric (Texas ScholarWorks), and two emerging standards of best practice for research data reporting: COUNTER Code of Practice and Google Analytics. This poster presents the findings of this AWG study, a comparison of potential reporting metrics for research data, and the recommendations for the TDR Steering Committee reporting moving forward.
Texas Data Repository, Dataverse, assessments, reporting, data repositories, metrics, COUNTER code of practice, Google analytics
Chan-Park, C., Lindsey, N., Waugh, L., & McElfresh, L. K. (2019, May). Assessing the Texas Data Repository: Determining what to measure and how. Poster presented at the Texas Conference on Digital Libraries, Austin, TX.