Black Teacher Leader Narratives: Creating Legacy Through and Ethic of Care and Justice




Oliphant, Rosalind M.

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This study documents the narratives of four Black teachers and their journey in becoming teacher leaders using a framework rooted in Siddle Walker and Snarey’s (2004) matrix of care and justice primary values. The research questions guiding the study are: How do four Black teachers teaching Black students utilize and demonstrate an ethic of care and justice as described by Siddle Walker and Snarey (2004)? What are the journeys of these four Black teachers in their becoming teacher leaders? What ontological perspectives do they hold, and what is the effect on the work they do? What are their experiences working with schools, colleagues, administrators, Black students, and community members? What stories illustrate their successes and challenges advocating for the education, learning and achievement of Black students? The data sources for this study include individual interviews, a group interview, and the researcher’s journal. Chapters four and five present study findings. Chapter four introduces the four Black teacher leaders; their stories are presented using their own words and are narrated in first person. Chapter five provides an analysis of the participants’ practice in light of Siddle Walker and Snarey’s (2004) ethic of care and justice framework. Finally, chapter six highlights important aspects of the learning that took place as a result of implementing the study. It discusses the commonalities in the participating Black teachers’ narratives followed by a section that highlights important themes for the reader. It also provides the researcher’s personal example applying the study framework as a tool to reflect and learn about self and daily practice working in schools. In addition, this last chapter presents the tensions and challenges encountered during the research process. Finally, the chapter outlines implications for school improvement, ideas for future research, and concluding thoughts.



Black teacher leaders, narratives, ethic of care and justice


Oliphant, R. (2013). Black teacher leader narratives: Creating legacy through and ethic of care and justice (Unpublished dissertation). Texas State University-San Marcos, San Marcos, Texas.


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