Fighting Child Trafficking in Texas: Equipping Schools with Awareness Tools for Parents




Rojas, Mark E.

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Child trafficking continues to occur in the United States of America at an alarming rate, and the state of Texas is no exception. A study on trafficking in Texas revealed 79,000 youth were victims of sex trafficking in 2016. Texas schools are in a key position to raise awareness to both parents and their students. House Bill 111 (effective as of May 31, 2019) requires schools to institute a plan to raise awareness for staff, students and parents. With training already in place for staff, and a variety of programs available for students, this thesis is focused on helping middle schools and high schools in central Texas educate parents about human trafficking by providing awareness tools that encourage conversation about the issue with their children. This thesis also seeks to uncover potential barriers that might prevent parents from being receptive to awareness material or from sharing it with their children.



trafficking, child trafficking, awareness, communication, design, graphic design


Rojas, M. E. (2020). Fighting child trafficking in Texas: Equipping schools with awareness tools for parents (Unpublished thesis). Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas.


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