Healthy People 2020 Leading Health Indicators: A Comparison of Health Access Between Students in the United States and Kenya




Kiragu, Violet

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Healthy People 2020 (HP2020) is an undertaking by the U.S. Office Of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP) that aims at improving the health of U.S. citizens. Every 10 years, ODPHP assesses Americans current health status against set metrics. From these results, ODPHP develops a new set of measurable health goals known as Leading Health Indicators (LHIs) to be used for the next decade. This research evaluated how U.S. students compare to the HP2020 benchmark LHIs. Second, it compared the U.S. students to students in Kenya in order to advance our knowledge about global health. An online Qualtrics survey was sent to a random sample of undergraduate students from a U.S. university and three Kenyan colleges/universities. The results from the survey were used to determine if U.S. students met the HP2020 goals by comparing the percentage of students who met the goal to the HP2020 target. In order to compare whether significant differences existed between U.S. and Kenya students, a z-test statistic was calculated. While the U.S. students met or exceeded many of the HP2020 goals, this research highlights several areas that needed improvement. In comparing U.S. to Kenya, several differences existed in access to healthcare and mental health. Based on our findings, both nations need to address those areas where the students lacked support.



Healthy People 2020, Comparison of students in U.S. and Kenya, Kenyenya, Texas State University, Borabu, Kisii University, U.S.A students health


Kiragu, V. (2020). Healthy People 2020 Leading Health Indicators: A comparison of health access between students in the United States and Kenya (Unpublished thesis). Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas.


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