The Efficacy Of A Hydration Education Intervention Program On Current Hydration Practices




Berning, Kevin

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Context: Hydration has been a heavily researched area within the athletic population, but little research has been done on the effect of hydration education and its effect on hydration status with an emphasis on long term retention rate. Research has been conducted on short-term retention rate, but no studies have looked longer periods (>2 weeks) or the use of a text message intervention. This study was designed to fill those gaps of a longer retention period with multiple testing periods and reminders. Objective: The purpose of this study was to research the effect of a repeated social media hydration education intervention on a healthy, active general population. A secondary purpose was to determine if the education would have an impact on hydration practices, knowledge, and attitudes and retention of hydration information. We hypothesized that the participants would not be euhydrated when performing a urinalysis at baseline, but that the intervention will improve hydration status. Design: This study was a cohort, repeated measure study with the use of a hydration questionnaire and a collection of 3 urine samples over the course of 2 weeks. Participants: Thirty-six healthy, active (1-8 hours of exercise/week) participants between ages 18-31. Intervention: An intervention and control group was used for this study. The intervention group received text messages twice a day about proper hydration strategies and protocols while the control participants received text messages twice a day that were unrelated to hydration such as athletic events happening on campus. The data were analyzed pre-vs-post and correlated with the behaviors and practices of hydration through the use of ANOVA’s and correlations. Setting: The participants collected their urine sample upon waking in the morning and brought the sample into the lab on day 1, day 3, and day 14 for urine specific gravity analysis with a refractometer. Main Outcome Measures: Urine specific gravity was obtained via urinalysis with a refractometer. The knowledge of hydration was assed using a validated questionnaire. Results: No statistical significance was found between groups in this study for the effect of a repeated educational intervention on hydration status (P=0.516). There was also no statistical significance found when comparing hydration knowledge over the course of the 2 weeks (P=0.501). Conclusions: Education alone does not work in changing hydration status. Healthcare professionals should be aware that it may take a long time to change patients’ practices regarding hydration and to be constant and consistent with their education if they do want to help patients become better hydrated.



Hydration, Education, Intervention, Dehydration, Urinalysis, Refractometer


Berning, K. (2018). The efficacy of a hydration education intervention program on current hydration practices (Unpublished thesis). Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas.


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