Using CDMA/AIC to Increase Energy Efficiency and Reduce Multipath Effects in Passive RFID Tag Systems




Keni, Archita Satish

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The Radio Frequency Identification [RFID] technology is a novel solution used in supply chain management. A large warehouse consisting of hundreds of objects must be handled effectively and automatically. RFID technology automatically identifies various objects faster, which improves effectiveness in order to create successful stock management systems. Most of today’s RFID applications involved in large retailing businesses demonstrate successful results in their businesses. With the requirement of identifying hundreds of objects in a very short amount of time, RFID technology also faces a significant issue known as tag collisions, which raises concerns about high speed, accuracy, and high energy efficiency requirements. We propose a new CDMA/AIC protocol to improve the performance (speed, throughput, accuracy, and especially energy efficiency) of mobile and handheld RFID tag systems by giving them the ability to overcome the problems associated with signal corruption due to collisions and the multipath environment, and providing a way to cancel the effects of interference from the desired signal. The ability to accurately capture the information from tags with greater throughput and fewer errors will be demonstrated to present a novel solution in this area. We have developed a CDMA with AIC algorithm which provides a solution yielding energy efficiency in low SNR environments with multipath and shadowing. The CDMA/AIC does not have the inefficiencies of Slotted-Aloha, can handle low SNR environments, and does not have the restriction of conventional CDMA that the backscattered signal from each tag must arrive at the receiver with the same amplitude. The CDMA/AIC protocol ensures accurately read tags even with collisions, successfully removes the negative impacts caused due to noise, near-far, shadowing and multipath and gives the best energy efficiency for the overall system.



RFID tag systems, code division multiple access (cdma), inventory management, adaptive interference cancellation


Keni, A. S. (2019). Using CDMA/AIC to increase energy efficiency and reduce multipath effects in passive RFID tag systems (Unpublished thesis). Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas.


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