Plants as Protest: Guerrilla Gardening and its Role in Urban Environmentalism




Rener, Cole Reading

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The simplest definition of guerrilla gardening is growing plants on land owned by another person. While guerrilla gardeners commit their crime for a variety of reasons, using guerrilla gardening as a way to protest against the civil abandonment of urban land by reclaiming it for the public has had success in generating neighborhood revitalization efforts that are based on cooperation between motivated citizens and local government bodies. Three groups (Liz Christy and the Green Guerrillas, Richard Reynolds, and Ron Finely) have had significant impacts on the spread and acceptance of the movement. All of these gardeners went beyond their personal projects to further the guerrilla gardening movement as well as urban environmentalism. Guerrilla gardening appears to have a strong influence due to its grassroots nature, especially in moving the urban food revolution forward, and serves as a good model for other radical and non-radical environmentalism movements in industrialized countries.



guerrilla, gardening, urban, horticulture, agriculture, environmentalism, protests, plants


Rener, C. R. (2017). Plants as protest: Guerrilla gardening and its role in urban environmentalism (Unpublished thesis). Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas.


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