"Feed Me Seymour!": Technical Services Cooks Supporting Public Services Wait Staff




Bostwick, Lynn
Brown, Jodi
Hopper, Misty
Price, Amanda N.

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It is not a new reality that in libraries, especially in large libraries, one tends to think and perform duties in siloed workflows. We have our horse blinders on and forget that there are units in our peripheral vision. Technical services staff tend to hide out in the proverbial secluded kitchen while subject librarians face the frontlines serving the hungry masses. Have you ever lamented that teamwork was lacking in your library or that there was a disconnect between the two worlds? Often, an abundance of literature can be found related to specialized technical services software/systems etc. Likewise, much has been written on the ACRL Framework and information literacy instruction. Yet, little information exists on how the two units can work together to support the larger mission. Technical services and public services librarians at Texas State University Libraries have faced this dilemma as well and have formed solutions to this great divide.



academic libraries, technical services, public services


Bostwick, L., Brown, J., Hopper, M., & Price, A. N. (2020). "Feed Me Seymour!": Technical services cooks supporting public services wait staff. Presented at the Charleston Library Conference, Charleston, SC.


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